Güncel Gönderiler: Havacılık ve Uzay Bilimleri Fakültesi
Toplam kayıt 257, listelenen: 181-200
Exergy-based sustainability analysis of a low-bypass turbofan engine: A case study for JT8D
(Elsevier Science BV, 2016)The growth in demand for air transport is a problem for the global and local environment. There are, moreover, fundamental conflicts with sustainable development objectives. Sustainability demands a sustainable supply of ... -
Investigating the Effect of Turbine Inlet Temperature on the Exergetic Improvement Potential of a Small Turbojet Engine
(IEEE, 2017)This paper analyzes and evaluates exergetic improvement rate (IPex) of the components of a small turbojet engine with various turbine inlet temperatures. The engine consists of an inlet, starter generator, a centrifugal ... -
Flight control and flight experiments of a tilt-propeller VTOL UAV
(SAGE Publications LTD, 2018)The purpose of this work is to present a study on the stability and control of an unmanned, fixed wing, vertical take-off and landing aerial vehicle. This airplane is driven by a fixed-pitch tilt-propeller system with the ... -
0-1 integer programming model for procedural separation of aircraft by ground holding in ATFM
(Elsevier France-Editions Scientifiques Medicales Elsevier, 2014)This study presents a 0-1 integer programming model for air traffic flow management. The model is used for determining optimum departure times of aircraft so as to avoid aircraft conflicts and to balance capacity and demand ... -
Assessment of degradation effects for an aircraft engine considering exergy analysis
(Pergamon-Elsevier Science LTD, 2017)Despite the improvements in engine technology, the combustion processes and wear occurred in engine components affect performance adversely. The turbine and compressor fouling, degradation mechanisms such as erosion, ... -
Identification and quantification of reaction phases at Si3N4-Ti interfaces by using analytical transmission electron microscopy techniques
(Elsevier Sci LTD, 2013)Silicon nitride (Si3N4) and titanium (Ti) were successfully bonded by using a capacitor discharge joining method. The resulting sample interfaces were characterized by scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and analytical ... -
Failure analysis of landing gears strut bearings
(Pergamon-Elsevier Science LTD, 2017)This paper analyses TB 20 training aircraft main landing gear attachment bearings which were failed as a result of cracks. Strut bearing is an attachment fitting of landing gear which attached to the wing spar and secures ... -
Characterization of the interfaces formed at the silicon nitride superalloy joints
(Australian Ceramic Society, 2017)In this study, silicon nitride ceramics (Si3N4) were joined by using a capacitor discharge technique with an Inconel 718 superalloy interlayer and heat-treated in order to determine possible reactions between these two ... -
Comparison of Shape Optimization Techniques Coupled with Genetic Algorithm for a Wind Turbine Airfoil
(IEEE, 2016)Airfoil optimization is an important subject for wind turbines in order to increase the flow efficiency along the blade sections. The first important subject for airfoil shape optimization is the mathematical description ... -
Exergetic Sustainability Indicators as a Tool in Commercial Aircraft: A Case Study for a Turbofan Engine
(Taylor & Francis Inc, 2015)This paper focuses on the exergetic sustainability indicators of a medium-range commercial aircraft engine for constant reference environment and ground running conditions. First, a detailed exergy analysis of turbofan ... -
Sustainability assessment of PW6000 turbofan engine: an exergetic approach
(Inderscience Enterprises LTD, 2014)In this paper, theory, methodology and example application are developed and shown for a PW6000 high-bypass turbofan engine in terms of exergo-sustainable perspective. To obtain exergetic sustainability indicators, first, ... -
Comparison of Air Transportation Systems of Turkey and Spain as the Competitors in Tourism Sector
(Akdeniz University, 2017)The growth of air transportation in a country affects positively the development of other industries especially tourism. Turkey and Spain rank among the top countries in the world with their most developed air transportation ... -
New Model for the Optimization of Runway Orientation
(Asce-Amer Soc Civil Engineers, 2014)One of the most significant factors that affects the location of airport elements is the optimum runway orientation. In this study, a new model called Calculation of Optimum Runway Orientation (CORO) is developed with an ... -
Aircraft Sensor and Actuator Fault Detection, Isolation, and Accommodation
(Asce-Amer Soc Civil Engineers, 2011)The purpose of the paper is to present an approach to detect, isolate, and accommodate the aircraft sensor and actuator faults using unknown input observers (UIOs). Full-order observers, reduced-order observers, and UIOs ... -
Evaluation of Safety Management Systems in the Turkish Aviation Industry: Evidence From Aviation Companies
(Int Organization Center Acad Research, 2016)This study focuses on the Safety Management System (SMS) brought forward by aviation authorities in the early 2000s, which aims to increase the safety level of air transportation activities and to maintain these activities ... -
Airport Corporate Sustainability: An Analysis of Indicators Reported in the Sustainability Practices
(Elsevier Science BV, 2015)Sustainability is getting more important in the developing air transportation industry. As airports are the most significant elements of the air transportation industry the indicators for the sustainability of airport ... -
A new approach to air traffic controller workload measurement and modelling
(Emerald Group Publishing LTD, 2011)Purpose - The purpose of this paper is to develop an analytical approach for workload measurement based on the task times and the changing task priorities of en route air traffic controllers (EATC). Design/methodology/approach ... -
Optlimisatlion of runway orlientatilons for three-runway configurations
(Royal Aeronautical Soc, 2016)Determination of runway orientation is a prime factor affecting the layout of airport facilities. This paper presents a new computer model called TORO (Tool for Optimum Runway Orientation) which is developed with an approach ... -
A new standard instrument arrival: the point merge system
(Emerald Group Publishing LTD, 2013)Purpose - The purpose of this paper is to design a new standard instrument arrival called the point merge system (PMS) for converging runways. The PMS enables controllers to handle traffic with no heading instruction, as ... -
Evaluation of aircraft descent profile
(Elsevier Science BV, 2016)Point Merge System (PMS) is a new method for merging and sequencing arrival traffic flows. It consists of sequencing legs, merge point. PMS allows Continuous Descent Approaches (CDAs) which reduces environmental impacts ...