Güncel Gönderiler: İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi
Toplam kayıt 416, listelenen: 41-60
(2016)Hukuk devletinin en önemli özelliği, devlet iktidarına karşı bireylere hukuki güvenlik sağ- lamasıdır. Hukuki güvenliğin bir gereği olarak kanunların ve idari düzenlemelerin belirlilik içinde olması gerekir. Devletin birey ... -
Measurement of internal user satisfaction and acceptance of the e-justice system in Turkey
(Emerald Group Publishing LTD, 2016)Purpose - The purpose of this paper is to develop an evaluation model for National Judiciary Informatics System (NJIS), which is an e-justice system forming part of e-government, based on the models and the theories of ... -
The influence of products and by-products obtained by drinking water electrolysis on microorganisms
(Elsevier Science BV, 2008)It is the aim of this work to underline the chemical character of disinfection processes and to present the results of treatment experiments for artificially and electrochemically added chemicals focusing on chlorine ... -
The cooperation of small and middle-sized companies with universities in Turkey: Acquiring Enterprising Skills Project
(2004)Higher education institutions are the places from where the societies base the information, deliver and apply it. Moreover, it is the place where the people who are required to bring innovations with required abilities, ... -
Strategic Diversity Management Initiatives: A Descriptive Study
(Elsevier Science BV, 2012)The study presents a brief literature on diversity management, affirmative action, and equal employment opportunity concepts perspectives, and explores how diversity management takes place in the hotel industry via websites ... -
The Soft Element of Strategic Human Resource Management: The Employee's Perception of Diversity Climate
(Elsevier Science BV, 2014)Workforce diversity imposes itself as an imperative for organizations. Hence, today's organizations distinguish the diversified workforce as a tool to leverage business opportunities. In order to acquire a competitive ... -
Women entrepreneurs in a developing economy
(1999)While research on women entrepreneurs is extensive in developed countries, little has been done in this area in non-OECD and developing economies. This research focuses on the characteristics, performance, and problems of ... -
An Exploratory Study about Consumers' Responses to Functional Foods in Turkey
(Int Management Development Association-Imda, 2007)Nowadays consumers consider health benefits as an important purchasing factor for food products and prefer health-enhancing foods. Recently various companies have started to introduce new functional foods to the Turkish ... -
Sales promotion practices of consumer goods companies in an advanced developing country
(1998)In recent years, manufacturers of consumer and industrial goods as well as service firms have been increasingly thinking in global terms and paying more attention to sales promotion in their overall promotional programmes ... -
Comparing Non-Users, Moderate Users and High Users of Self-Service Technologies in an Emerging Economy
(Springer Int Publishing Ag, 2016)… -
Exploring Organizational Identity Through Conducting Comparative Phenomenological Case Studies
(University Alberta, Int Inst Qualitative Methodology, 2010)… -
Implementation of IFRS for SMEs in Emerging Economies: Stakeholder Perceptions in the Czech Republic, Hungary, Romania and Turkey
(Wiley, 2013)This research investigates the perceptions of stakeholders involved in financial reporting in four emerging economies (the Czech Republic, Hungary, Romania, and Turkey) regarding the possible implementation of IFRS for ... -
Are Perceptions of Organizational Justice Universal? An Exploration of Measurement Invariance Across Thirteen Cultures
(Springer, 2011)Previous research examined whether justice effects are comparable, focusing on quantitative differences in justice effects. This study examines whether justice perceptions are structured similarly or whether they are ... -
Eskişehir İlindeki Anadolu Liselerinin Göreli Etkinliklerinin Ölçümü
(Eskisehir Osmangazi University, Fac Education, 2015)Kaynakların rasyonel bir biçimde kullanılması anlamına gelen ve performansın en önemli boyutlarından biri olan etkinliğin ölçümünde kullanılan başlıca yöntemler oran analizleri, parametrik ve parametrik olmayan ... -
Box-ing Happiness
(Int Business Information Management Assoc-Ibima, 2017)This ongoing research aims to explore the consumer behavior and psychology behind the subscription box business models and the motivations of buying and sharing this experience in social media. The study tries to explore ... -
Yatırımcı ilişkileri yönetiminde iletişim ve bilgi teknolojilerinin rolü: İMKB 50 endeksi uygulaması
(2010)Geleneksel yönetim anlayışının yetersiz hale geldiği günümüz iş dünyasında işletmeler paydaşlarına karşı en hızlı ve en etkin tepkiyi vererek ilişkilerini sürdürebilir kılmanın ve uzun vadede varlığını sürdürebilmenin ... -
Stratejik Yönetim Alanında Yapılmış Lisansüstü Çalışmalarla İlgili Bir Durum Saptaması
(2002)İşletmeleri çevresi ile bir bütün olarak ele alan stratejik yönetim bilimi, işletmelerin bütününü ilgilendiren ve aynı zamanda riskli olan stratejik kararları temel alarak, uzun ömürlü ve başarılı işletmelerin başarı ... -
Doğrusal programların matematik temeli
(1996)Bu çalışmada matematik programlamanın tanınmış tekniği simpleks algoritmasına temel olan matematik modellemeye ek olarak ardışık tablolarla modele getirilen çözümün içeriği incelenmiş ve bunlara ilişkin matematik yaklaşım ... -
Comparison of Analysis Performed By Classical Approach and Bayesian Approach in Auditors' Decision Making Process
(Elsevier Science BV, 2014)Auditor is in a decision maker position in many phases of an audit process. The increase of auditor's effectiveness and productivity also increases all of the success of the process. Therefore, the analysis of the phases, ...