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dc.contributor.authorBelet, Şerife Dilek
dc.contributor.authorGüven, Meral
dc.descriptionWOS: 000289517300002en_US
dc.description.abstractThis study was designed as a descriptive survey study in order to determine primary education teacher trainees' epistemological beliefs; the use of metacognitive strategies; and the relationship between epistemological beliefs and metacognitive strategies. 820 primary education teacher trainees' were selected from the department of primary education at seven education faculties. The Epistemological Beliefs Scale and the Metacognition Inventory were used to collect the data. In data analysis, means and standard deviations were used. In order to determine the differences between the groups, in pair sample comparisons independent t-test was used. For multiple sample comparisons, one-way ANOVA analysis was used with Tukey HSD test and Games Howell. In order to determine the relationship between the variables, Pearson correlation analysis was conducted. The results revealed that the beliefs of primary education teacher trainees' on 'learning depends on effort' were developed/matured more in comparison to the beliefs on 'learning depends on skills' and the beliefs on 'there is a single truth.' Significant differences were found among their beliefs in terms of gender, grade, and the university they attend; while no significant relationship was found between their academic achievement and beliefs. Results also revealed that among the metacognitive strategies they used the most, primary education teacher trainees' used 'self control' 'cognitive strategy', 'self evaluation' and 'self-awareness' respectively. Significant differences were found among metacognitive strategies they used in terms of gender, grade, and the university they attend while no significant relationship was found between their academic achievement and metacognitive strategies they used. Furthermore, the results indicated that there was a significant relationship between primary education teacher trainees' epistemological beliefs and metacognitive strategy use. In order to improve their epistemological beliefs and to increase the level of metacognitive strategy use, instructional activities could be improved. For researchers; different research methodologies (experimental and qualitative) could be employed, besides study could be conducted with different evaluation instruments and parameters. Additionally, it could be suggested that various examples could be presented in class, especially in the professional knowledge courses to develop the primary education pre-service teachers' beliefs about "there is only one truth". Moreover, it could be emphasized that the strategy use is important not only in planning, arranging and evaluating own learning but also making teaching activities guided, particularly for 3rd year pre-service teachers whose meta-cognitive strategy use was obtained as low. Thus, the activities to increase the strategy use could be designed. Lastly, indirect and direct teaching activities could be carried out to enhance the male students' strategy use as the level of class increases.en_US
dc.subjectEpistemological Beliefsen_US
dc.subjectThe Metacognitive Strategiesen_US
dc.subjectPrimary School Teacher Traineesen_US
dc.titleMeta-cognitive Strategy Usage and Epistemological Beliefs of Primary School Teacher Traineesen_US
dc.relation.journalKuram ve Uygulamada Eğitim Bilimlerien_US
dc.contributor.departmentAnadolu Üniversitesi, Eğitim Fakültesi, Temel Eğitim Bölümüen_US
dc.relation.publicationcategoryMakale - Uluslararası Hakemli Dergi - Kurum Öğretim Elemanıen_US]
dc.contributor.institutionauthorBelet, Şerife Dilek
dc.contributor.institutionauthorGüven, Meral

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