Güncel Gönderiler: Enstitüler
Toplam kayıt 9371, listelenen: 1281-1300
Algorithm for Automated Mapping of Land Surface Temperature Using LANDSAT 8 Satellite Data
(Hindawi LTD, 2016)Land surface temperature is an important factor in many areas, such as global climate change, hydrological, geo-/biophysical, and urban land use/land cover. As the latest launched satellite from the LANDSAT family, LANDSAT ... -
Determination of Building Materials With Ir-Thermography in Historical Buildings
(Selcuk University Press, 2018)Lately, IR thermography is frequently applied for important purposes in monitoring buildings such as energy leaking, ventilating and air-conditioning installations, electrical and mechanical installations, moisture detection ... -
Türkiye'de Yüksek Tarım Maliyeti Sorununun Çözümünde Biyodizelin Yeri
(2008)Bu makalede Türkiye'de tarım sektörünün ekonomideki yeri, kırsal yoksulluk, tarımsal maliyet, tarımsal destekleme ve yüksek tarım maliyetinde akaryakıtın etkisi konularına değinilmiştir. Tarımda yakıt olarak biyodizel ... -
Türkiye'de Enerji Tarımı Amacıyla Ayçiçeği, Kanola ve Soya Fasulyesinin Yetiştirilmesi
(2008)Nüfus ve sanayileşmenin artmasıyla birlikte enerji tüketimi de fazlalaşmaktadır. Çevre kirliliğine neden olan fosil kökenli enerji kaynakları Türkiye’yi dışa bağımlı kılmakta ve çevre kirliliğine neden olmaktadır. Bu ... -
Türkiye' de ekolojik fındık tarımının başlaması ve etkileri üzerine bir örnek: Çamlıca köyü (Samsun)
(2007)Samsun İli, Terme İlçesi, Evci Beldesine bağlı olan Çamlıca Köyünde 13 yıldır ekolojik fındık tarımı yapılmaktadır. Fındık, gerek Karadeniz Bölgesi, gerekse ülke ekonomisinde önemli yere sahip bir tarım ürünüdür. Çamlıca ... -
Ekolojik Alan Kullanım Kararlarına Uygun Rekreasyon Alanlarının AHP Yöntemi Kullanılarak Kütahya Kenti Örneğinde İrdelenmesi
(2013)Bu çalışmada, Kütahya kent merkezi imar planında altlık olarak kullanılabilecek, öneri rekreasyon alanlarını saptamak üzere değerlendirme ölçütü ortaya konulmuştur. Ekolojik alan kullanımı kapsamında kent merkezinde ... -
Hidrojen depolayıcısı olarak zeolit
(1997)Günümüzde hayat standardının yükselmesi ile, endüstrinin her alanında etkin bir şekilde kullanılabilecek temiz, ucuz ve tükenmez enerji kaynağı arayışı son derece önem kazanmıştır. Bu enerji arayışına önerilen en güçlü ... -
Determination of characteristics site period and preliminary ground response analysis according to resonance by using GIS
(2004)Ground response analyses are mostly used for the development of design response spectra in the modern earthquake engineering. After 1999 Marmara Earthquake, the damages were mostly related with unavailable soil conditions ... -
Open courseware opportunities for architecture education: Anadolu University ANAPOD experience
(2009)Today, in every field of our lives, an efficient information access and mobility has become a prerequisite for the sustainability of all systems. Considering this fact, Internet technology is the fastest and the most proper ... -
Determination of characteristic site period and preliminary ground responce analysis according to resonance by using GIS
(International Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, 2004)Ground response analyses are mostly used for the development of design response spectra in the modern earthquake engineering. After 1999 Marmara Earthquake, the damages were mostly related with unavailable soil conditions ... -
Analysis of urbanization change according to NEHRP soil classification Map
(2006)Geological and geotechnical researches and studies must be done before the preparation of construction plans of urban area for the proper and safe construction. The perfect urbanization should be carried out on the ... -
Detection and interpretation of geological linear features on the satellite images by using gradient filtering and principal component analysis
(International Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, 2008)Digital image processing has the ability to detect geological linear features on the image by using some algorithms. The most common algorithm which is used for this purpose is edge filtering. Gradient filtering is one ... -
Change detection of structures in the earthquake hazard zoning map of Eskisehir City, Turkey, by using satellite images
(Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc., 2003)Geological and geotechnical studies play a key role in the successful planning of urban areas. The importance of these studies gains more importance for countries which are under the threat of natural hazards, such as ... -
Online concrete strength inventory application: Mobile data collection
(2011)The main purpose of this paper is to present new mobile software, known as Concrete Test, which is used for collecting concrete data on site and immediately sending those collected data to a remote server. It works as ... -
GIS based site determination model for productive solar farm: A case study in Eskişehir
(2011)It is the most known word throughout the human-being's long journey in this planet: ENERGY. Even now, the energy is necessity for us. The world is now in quest of new energy resources because of the decrement of environmental ... -
Stabilization of recycled base materials with high carbon fly ash
(Elsevier Science BV, 2010)Fly ashes produced by power plants in the United States occasionally contain significant amounts of unburned carbon due to common use of low nitrogen-oxide and sulphur-oxide burners in recent years. This ash cannot be ... -
Geodynamic Control of Hypogene Karst Development in Central Anatolia, Turkey
(Springer International Publishing Ag, 2017)Hypogene karst development in central Anatolia, Turkey is represented by unique collapse dolines (obruks) developed mainly in Neogene lacustrine limestone formations. Many of these obruks are located in two separate ... -
Preparation and evaluation of engineering geological maps in 3-dimensional Geographic Information Systems environment
(2005)Geological engineers have mostly been involved in geotechnical problems since the beginning of 19th century. Engineering geological maps and field data are needed to solve these problems. The amount of data for these maps ... -
Tele-education service structure and 21(st) century projects of Anadolu University in Turkey
(Springer, 1999)This paper reviews the facilities of the Open Education Faculty at Anadolu University, Turkey, considers both recent and forthcoming developments, and shows how these could be used, with the ISU and its affiliates, in ... -
Preparation of a geotechnical microzonation model using Geographical Information Systems based on Multicriteria Decision Analysis
(Elsevier Science BV, 2006)The purpose of this study is to develop a geotechnical microzonation model using Geographical Information Systems (GIS) based on Multicriteria Decision Analysis (MCDA). As study area, the Eskisehir downtown area has been ...