Güncel Gönderiler: Scopus İndeksli Yayınlar Koleksiyonu
Toplam kayıt 8325, listelenen: 881-900
Application of thermodynamic laws on a military helicopter engine
(Pergamon-Elsevier Science LTD, 2017)By definition, a turboshaft engine is simply a gas turbine used to deliver shaft power such as to a helicopter rotor. This paper presents the energetic and exergetic analyses of a turboshaft engine which is used for military ... -
Exergy Approach to Evaluate Performance of a Mini Class Turboprop Engine
(Springer International Publishing Ag, 2017)In this chapter, performance assessment of a mini class turboprop engine is presented. Exergy analysis is used for this purpose on the basis of applicability on thermal systems. As a result of the component-based exergy ... -
Indicators of Sustainability Energy Management Based on Energy Audit for Hotels
(Springer International Publishing Ag, 2018)… -
Airlines define their business models: A content analysis
(Inderscience Enterprises Ltd., 2017)Business model is not a new concept; however, it has been recently studied in business management literature. On the other hand, business model concept has not been studied in terms of its components in airline business. ... -
The risk management framework to strategic human resource management
(2010)This study deals with complexity of human factors and provides insights to managing human factor based risks. The offered risk management framework to strategic human resource management provides an integrated and proactive ... -
Effects of national culture on entrepreneurial intentions
(International Business Information Management Association, IBIMA, 2010)National culture plays a pivotal role in shaping the behavior of individuals in all spheres of life. This behavior also guides individuals towards opting between doing job or starting a personal business. Little work has ... -
Predicting IPO initial returns using random forest
(Borsa Istanbul Anonim Sirketi, 2019)Empirical analyses of IPO initial returns are heavily dependent on linear regression models. However, these models can be inefficient due to its sensitivity to outliers which are common in IPO data. In this study, the ... -
Normative stakeholder theory in relation to ethics of care
(2011)Purpose - This study aims at presenting a normative approach in adaptation of the ethics of care approach and stakeholder theory. Therefore, it seeks to present a point-of-view regarding the related issues. Design/methodology/ ... -
Residents' socio-economic perceptions of an international fair
(Editura Universitatii din Oradea, 2016)Events allow a community to celebrate its uniqueness, promote itself, develop local pride and enhance its economic well-being. Events also have the potential to negatively affect the social and cultural environment in ... -
The impacts of financial development on growth: A time-varying causality analysis for Turkey
(University Rijeka, Fac Ecomomics, 2016)The goal of this research is to determine whether the causal relationship between financial development and economic growth in Turkey is stable over time. For this purpose, causal relationship between financial development ... -
Use of a nominal group technique in the exploration of safety hazards arising from the outsourcing of aircraft maintenance
(Elsevier Science BV, 2019)Airlines today focus on their core competencies and resort to external resources, e.g. outsourcing, for operations that fall beyond the scope of these core competencies. Aircraft maintenance is one of the primary services ... -
Bibliometric analysis of tourism and hospitality related articles published in Turkey
(Detay Publication, 2014)This study aims to reveal the general development of tourism literature in Turkey between 2000 and 2010. To this end, 1217 articles that were published in Turkish refereed journals during this period were examined using ... -
An integrated navigation system design for Quadrotors
(Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc., 2015)In this work, a particle filter based integrated navigation system is designed and tested with real quadrotor systems. Conventionally, Kalman filter based algorithms is used for navigation systems which is highly non-linear. ... -
Historical development of UAV technologies in the world: The case of Turkey
(Springer International Publishing, 2016)The new technologies and designs on Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) have created a new market which made it possible for many countries to compete by penetrating and dominating the market. The new advances in computer and ... -
The modeling and simulation of a quadrocopter
(EUROSIS, 2016)Mini-flying vehicles with four rotors which are called quadcopters have attracted many researchers in recent years. Quadrotor is the one of the most popular rotary wing aircraft in control problems. Vertical take off and ... -
Modelling and pid controller design for a quadrotor
(EUROSIS, 2016)This paper presents the modelling of a four rotor vertical take-off and landing unmanned air vehicle known as the quadrotor aircraft, Vertical take off and landing, high maneuverability capabilities and indoor/outdoor ... -
Zaman Serilerinde NARX Sinir Ağları Modeliyle Uçuşa Elverişlilik Süresinin Kestirimi
(Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc., 2017)Havacılık planlamalara yo˘gun bir ¸sekilde ba¸svurulan ciddi bir sektördür. Yüksek maliyetlere sebep olabilecek plansızlı˘gın giderilmesi ve vahim sonuçlar do˘gurabilecek kazaların önüne geçilebilmesi için öngörülere ... -
Comparison of classical PD and fuzzy PD controller performances of an aircraft pitch angle control system
(2011)Aircraft dynamics are in general nonlinear, time varying, and uncertain. A control system (classical control systems) designed for a flight condition, may not provide the desired stability and performance characteristics ... -
PID controlling of the Quadrotor and sensor performance tests
(World Scientific and Engineering Academy and Society, 2014)This paper includes three main parts. The first part is about a Quadrotor as a type of unmanned vehicles. The second part includes its mathematical model and controlling with PID controller. The last part consists of some ... -
The importance of preventive maintenance in terms of reliability in aviation sector
(2011)Aircraft is a system that requires high reliability levels throughout flights. Preventive maintenance procedures are applied to maintain this reliability at an optimum level. The higher frequency of preventive maintenance ...