Güncel Gönderiler: Scopus İndeksli Yayınlar Koleksiyonu
Toplam kayıt 8325, listelenen: 681-700
A Pilot Study on Spectators' Motivations and Their Socio-Economic Perceptions of a Film Festival
(Routledge Journals, Taylor & Francis LTD, 2015)The main objective of this pilot study is to examine spectators' motives for attending a film festival, their perceptions of socio-economic impacts of the festival to the host community, and their satisfaction with the ... -
The balance of trade and exchange rates: Theory and contemporary evidence from tourism
(Elsevier Sci LTD, 2019)The purpose of this study is to investigate the effects of exchange rate depreciations and appreciations on the tourism trade balance. Specifically, we employed linear and nonlinear autoregressive distributed lag (ARDL) ... -
The Influence of Problems Faced During Internships on Interns' Views of Their Profession and Their Intention to Work in the Tourism Industry
(Anı Yayıncılık, 2013)Problem Statement: The problem of this research is identifying the difficulties that undergraduate students experience during their internships and assessing their future intention to work in the tourism industry. Purpose ... -
Testing the EKC hypothesis for ten US states: an application of heterogeneous panel estimation method
(Springer Heidelberg, 2019)This study aims to test the EKC (Environmental Kuznets Curve) hypothesis for the ten states, having the highest levels of carbon dioxide emissions in the USA, through the independent variables of real GDP, population, and ... -
The role of vocabulary vs. syntactic knowledge in L2 reading comprehension
(Hacettepe University Faculty of Education, Department of English Language Teaching, 2019)Research in literature reports the importance of L2 vocabulary and syntactic knowledge on the learners’ reading comprehension. In this regard, the current study investigated the role of vocabulary knowledge that is disunited ... -
Effects of various acidic and alkaline solutions used to dissolve urinary calculi on the rabbit urothelium
(1990)It is well known that infection-induced stones (apatite, struvite), uric acid and cystine calculi in the urinary tract can be managed by the use of certain chemical solutions. We investigated the effects of various acidic ... -
Dacryocystitis Associated With Osteopoikilosis
(Wiley, 1993)We report five members of a family with dacryocystitis associated with osteopoikilosis. The inheritance is autosomal dominant. Review of the literature revealed no other report of this kind of association. Osteopoikilosis ... -
Beliefs about rape and women's social roles: A Turkish replication
(1993)Various researchers on feminist issues have argued that rape against women is supported by beliefs encouraging socioeconomic domination of women and that acceptance of ‘rape myths’ foster those beliefs. If this is true, ... -
Distribution and typing in salmonellosis in children 1978-1983 [1978-1983 yillari arasinda cocuklarda görülen salmonellozislerin dagilimi ve tiplendirilmesi.]
(1987)329 infants with salmonellosis were evaluated in Pediatric and Microbiology Department of Anadolu University Teaching and Training Hospital. It was established 127 (38.6%) S. typhimurium, 42 (12.8%) S. typhosa and 6 (1.8%) ... -
The Relationship between the Academic Procrastination of High School Students and the Trait Anxiety, Irrational Belief, Self-Regulation and Academic Achievement
(Hacettepe University, 2018)It was aimed to examine the contributions of variables related to trait anxiety, irrational beliefs, self-regulation, age and grade point average for the prediction of academic procrastination of high school students and ... -
Investigation of the long term effects of cimetidine on kidney and liver in rats
(1992)[No abstract available] -
Endemic fluorosis. (Clinical, roentgenological and biochemical study of chronic fluorine intoxication in Kizilcaoren)
(1981)[No abstract available] -
Cystic tuberculosis of the phalanx
(1981)A girl of five years presented with tuberculosis of the second proximal phalanx of both hands. The clinical picture of the case included gradual swelling of the proximal phalanges and pain; the treatment was conservative ...