Yazar "Germen, Emin" için listeleme
Anomaly detection with self-organizing maps and effects of principal component analysis on feature vectors
Kızılören, Tevfik; Germen, Emin (2009)Network anomaly detection is the problem of scrutinizing of unauthorized use of computer systems over a network. In literature there are plenty different methods produced for detecting network anomalies and the process of ... -
Autopilot Project with Unmanned Robot
Seckin, Bilgin; Ayan, Tuna; Germen, Emin (Elsevier Science BV, 2012)Mobile robot is an important figure during the search and rescue application after the natural diseases such as earthquakes, fire, flooding. In the disaster areas, searching the sign of living bodies or investigating the ... -
Case studies on the use of neural networks in eutrophication modeling
Karul, C; Soyupak, S; Çilesiz, AF; AkbAy, Nuran; Germen, Emin (Elsevier Science BV, 2000)Artificial neural networks are becoming more and more common to be used in development of prediction models for complex systems as the theory behind them develops and the processing power of computers increase. A three ... -
Dinamik değişen paket işaretleme olasılığı yöntemini kullanarak internet protokol geri izlemesi
Özen, Mustafa Sait (Anadolu Üniversitesi, 2008)Günümüz IP veri ağ alt yapısı, DDoS (Distributed Denial of Service) saldırılarının kaynaklarını belirlemekte yetersiz kalmaktadır. İnternet Protokolünün doğal yapısının anonim karakteristiğini azaltmak ve bu noktaların ... -
Discrimination of faulty compressors and healthy one using Kohonen maps [Kohonen hari·ta kullanarak hatali ve saglikli kompresörleri·n ayriştirilmasi]
Germen, Emin; Kaya, A.; Ünlü, Ü. (2011)Kohonen's Self Organizing Map (SOM) is a very usable method for the classification problems. In this work SOM is used to classify the possible faults of Hermetic Compressors which are used in the refrigerators. In refrigerators ... -
Identification of acoustic spectra for fault detection in induction motors
Akçay, Hüseyin; Germen, Emin (IEEE, 2013)In this paper, we study fault detection problem for induction motors by using a recently developed cross-power spectral density estimation algorithm from sound measurements. In a test rig, from multiple experiments the ... -
Improving the resultant quality of Kohonen's self organizing map using stiffness factor
Germen, Emin (2005)The performance of Self Organizing Map (SOM) is always influenced by learn methods. The resultant quality of the topological formation of the SOM is also highly dependent onto the learning rate and the neighborhood function. ... -
Increasing the topological quality of Kohonen's self organising map by using a hit term
Germen, Emin (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc., 2002)The quality of the topology obtained at the end of the training period of Kohonen's self organizing map (SOM) is highly dependent on the learning rate and neighborhood function that are chosen at the beginning. The ... -
Increasing the topological quality of Kohonen's self-organising map by using a hit term
Germen, Emin (Nanyang Technological University, 2002)The quality of the topology obtained at the end of the training period of Kohonen's Self Organizing Map (SOM) is highly dependent on the learning rate and neighborhood function that are chosen at the beginning. The ... -
Induction Motor Identification from Acoustic Noise Spectrum by a Covariance Subspace Algorithm
Akçay, Hüseyin; Germen, Emin; Türkay, Semiha (IEEE Computer Society, 2018)In this paper, we study identification of induction motors by using a recently developed covariance-based subspace algorithm from sound measurements. The sound data are collected by an array of five-microphones placed ... -
Karışık işitsel ve görsel sinyallerin kör kaynak ayrıştırma yöntemiyle birbirlerinden ayrılması
Güven, Pelin (Anadolu Üniversitesi, 2005)Bu çalışmada, karışık sinyallerin ayrıştırılması ve ters evrişimlenmesi üzerinde durulmuştur. Karışımlar doğrusal veya evrişimlenmiş olabilir. Doğrusal karışımların ayrıştırılmasında Kör Kaynak Ayrıştırma algoritmaları ... -
Motor fault detection using neural networks = Sinir ağları kullanılarak motor arızalarının belirlenmesi
Germen, Emin; Anadolu Üniversitesi, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Elektrik-Elektronik Mühendisliği Anabilim Dalı; Şahin, Zehra (Tez (yüksek lisans) - Anadolu Üniversitesi, 2018)Asenkron motorlarının sık arızalanması endüstride karşılaşılan bir durum olmasından dolayı, hataların tespiti hem motorları korumak, hem de hayati önem arz eden süreçleri bölmemek adına büyük önem taşır. Bu tezde farklı ... -
Network traffic classification with self organizing maps
Kızılören, Tevfik; Germen, Emin (2007)Anomaly detection in network traffic is one of the most challenging topics in the study of computer science and networking. This paper introduces a classification method for analyzing network traffic behavior. In order to ... -
Network traffic classification with SELF ORGANIZING MAPS
Kızılören, Tevfik; Germen, Emin (IEEE, 2007)Anomaly detection in network traffic is one of the most challenging topics in the study of computer science and networking. This paper introduces a classification method for analyzing network traffic behavior. In order to ... -
A new approach to estimate red parameters using global congestion notification
Yelbaşi, Ö.; Germen, Emin (2011)In communication networks, congestion avoidance in routers is one of the hottest topics. In this work, a new queue management approach is proposed on the RED (Random Early Detection) algorithm by monitoring the global ... -
A new approach to mathematical water quality modeling in reservoirs: Neural networks
Karul, C; Soyupak, S; Germen, Emin (Wiley-V C H Verlag GMBH, 1998)Neural Networks are becoming more and more valuable tools for system modeling and function approximation as computing power of microcomputers increase. Modeling of complex ecological systems such as reservoir limnology is ... -
A Novel Approach For Learning Rate in Self Orginizing Map (Som)
Germen, Emin (2018)The performance of resultant topological structure of Kohonen Self Organizing Map SOM is highly dependent of the learning rate and neighborhood parameters. In literature there are plenty many different types of approaches ... -
Öz-düzenlemeli harita (SOM) kullanılarak DDOS saldırılarının sınıflandırılması
Tandoğan, Safai (Anadolu Üniversitesi, 2007)Bu tezde, DDoS saldırılarının, Öz-Düzenlemeli Harita kullanılarak, ağ üzerindeki normal trafikten ayrıştırılması üzerine çalışılmıştır. OMNeT++ ağ simülasyon motoru ve INET ağ simülasyonu kütüphanesi kullanılarak bir DDoS ... -
Özdüzenlemeli ağlar kullanılarak ağ trafiğini etkileyecek saldırı tespiti
Kızılören, Tevfik (Anadolu Üniversitesi, 2009)Ağ trafiği üzerindeki anomalileri tespit etme bilgisayar biliminin üzerinde en çok durulan konularından bir tanesidir. Bu çalışma ağ trafik davranışını analiz etmek için yeni bir sınıflandırma yöntemi içermektedir. Ağ ... -
Self Organizing Map (SOM) approach for classification of mechanical faults in induction motors
Germen, Emin; Ece, D. Gökhan; Gerek, Ömer Nezih (Springer-Verlag Berlin, 2007)In this work, Self Organizing Map (SOM) is used in order to detect and classify the broken rotor bars and misalignment type mechanical faults that often occur in induction motors which are widely used in industry. The ...