Yazar "Bozkurt, Funda" için listeleme
Effectiveness of constant time delay on teaching snack and drink preparation skills to children with mental retardation
Bozkurt, Funda; Gürsel, Oğuz (Council Exceptional Children, 2005)A multiple probe design with probe conditions across behaviors was used to evaluate effectiveness of constant time delay on teaching snack and drink preparation skills to children with mental retardation. In addition, ... -
Effectiveness of Instruction Performed through Computer-Assisted Activity Schedules on On-Schedule and Role-Play Skills of Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder
Ülke-Kürkçüoğlu, Burcu; Bozkurt, Funda; Çuhadar, Selmin (EDAM, 2015)This study aims to investigate the effectiveness of the instruction process provided through computer-assisted activity schedules in the instruction of on-schedule and role-play skills to children with autism spectrum ... -
Effectiveness of simultaneous prompting in small group: The opportunity of acquiring non-target skills through observational learning and instructive feedback
Gürsel, Oğuz; Tekin İftar, Elif; Bozkurt, Funda (Council Exceptional Children, 2006)A multiple probe study across behaviors, replicated across students, assessed the effectiveness of simultaneous prompting (SP) in a small group teaching arrangement on teaching (a) to show the provinces, rivers, and border ... -
Effectiveness of the Turkish Version of "First Step to Success Program" in Preventing Antisocial Behaviors
Diken, İbrahim Halil; Cavkaytar, Atilla; Batu, Emine Sema; Bozkurt, Funda; Kurtilmaz, Yıldız (Turkish Education Assoc, 2011)The purpose of this study was to examine the effectiveness of the Turkish version of the First Step to Success (TFSS) early intervention program on problem behaviors, social skills, and academic competence of at-risk ... -
Effectiveness of the Turkish version of ''First Step to Success program''in preventing antisocial behaviors
Bu çalışmanın amacı, Başarıya İlk Adım Programı Türkçe Versiyonu'nun (BİA-TV) antisosyal davranışlar açısından riskli olan öğrencilerin problem davranışları, sosyal becerileri ve akademik yeterlilikleri üzerindeki etkililiğini ... -
First step to success - a school/home intervention program for preventing problem behaviors in young children: Examining the effectiveness and social validity in Turkey
Diken, İbrahim Halil; Cavkaytar, Atilla; Batu, Emine Sema; Bozkurt, Funda; Kurtyilmaz, Yıldız (2010)This study examined the effectiveness of the First Step to Success (FSS) early intervention program for preventing antisocial behavior in Turkey. Participants included 24 students, their teachers and parents from four K-8 ... -
Zihin özürlü çocuklara aperatif yiyecek-içecek hazırlama ve servis yapma becerilerinin öğretiminde sabit bekleme süreli öğretimin etkililiği
Bozkurt, Funda (Anadolu Üniversitesi, 2001)Bu araştırmada, tek denekli araştırma modellerinden davranışlar arası yoklama evreli çoklu yoklama modeli kullanılarak zihin özürlü çocuklara, mutfak becerilerinden sandviç hazırlama, sıcak oralet hazırlama ve servis yapma ... -
Zihinsel yetersiz tanısı alan çocukların tanılama süreçlerinin betimlenmesi
Bozkurt, Funda (Anadolu Üniversitesi, 2009)Araştırmanın amacı, büyükşehir statüsündeki bir ilin rehberlik araştırma merkezi bünyesinde oluşturulan, özel eğitim değerlendirme kurulu örneğinde 2006-2007 öğretim yılında zihinsel yetersiz tanısı alan öğrencilerin ...