Yazar "Çelebi, Gökhan" için listeleme
Belirsiz doğrusal sistemlerin kararlılık bölgelerinin bulunması yöntemleri
Çelebi, Gökhan (Anadolu Üniversitesi, 2016)Bu tez çalışmasında, belirsiz doğrusal sistemlerin Hurwitz ve Schur kararlılık problemleri incelenmiştir. Bir ve iki parametreli polinomlar ailesi için sabit inersiyon bölgeleri belirlenmiştir. n × n boyutlu polinomsal ... -
Calculation of Cutoff Frequency For Polynomial Families
Büyükköroğlu, Taner; Çelebi, Gökhan (2017)In many stability problems, the investigation of pure imaginary roots for a polynomial family is very important. Given a pure imaginary complex number, the set of all images of uncertainty vectors is called the value set ... -
On the Robust Stability of Polynomial Matrix Families
Büyükköroğlu, Taner; Çelebi, Gökhan; Dzhafarov, Vakif (Int Linear Algebra Soc, 2015)In this study, the problem of robust asymptotic stability of n x n, polynomial matrix family, in both continuous-time and discrete-time cases, is considered. It is shown that in the continuous case the problem can be reduced ... -
Stabilisation of discrete-time systems via Schur stability region
Büyükköroğlu, Taner; Çelebi, Gökhan; Dzhafarov, Vakif (Taylor & Francis LTD, 2018)In this paper, we consider the stabilisation problem of discrete-time systems by affine compensator. Using the known properties of the Schur stability region of monic polynomials, we give conditions under which stabilising ... -
Stabilization of Discrete Time Systems By Reflection Coefficients
Büyükköroğlu, Taner; Çelebi, Gökhan; Dzhafarov, Vakif (Krasovskii Inst Mathematics & Mechanics Ural Branch Russian Acad Sciences, 2017)For single-input single-output discrete-time systems, we consider a stabilization problem by a fixed order controller. A number of examples show that such controller may not exist. It is assumed that the controller depends ...